Start your tomato and peppers here! Seeds, soil, and 12 Jiffy pots will be provided to each attendee. Please bring a shoebox or small container to transport home. Sign up for one of the time slots online or call the library to register.
Start your tomato and peppers here! Seeds, soil, and 12 Jiffy pots will be provided to each attendee. Please bring a shoebox or small container to transport home. Sign up for one of the time slots online or call the library to register.
Start your tomato and peppers here! Seeds, soil, and 12 Jiffy pots will be provided to each attendee. Please bring a shoebox or small container to transport home. Sign up for one of the time slots online or call the library to register.
Start your tomato and peppers here! Seeds, soil, and 12 Jiffy pots will be provided to each attendee. Please bring a shoebox or small container to transport home. Sign up for one of the time slots online or call the library to register.